Project TriStar views the infrastructure goal of any conscious sustainable community to be as eco-friendly, safe, and natural as humanly possible. Project TriStar also believes that humans are intended to live above ground, but also understands that possible future events could create an environment where above ground living is neither safe nor practical. With this in mind, Project TriStar has concluded that the infrastructure planning, design, and construction will be organized in two phases.
Phase1 involves the development of a subterranean facility for use through the period where events could result in the inability to sustain life and operations above ground. Phase2 involves the development of above ground facilities for use after these possible events.
Phase1 includes the use of modular, cost effective, and proven solutions to provide a safe, habitable, and fully sustainable below ground living environment. Due to the obvious safety risks of building a subterranean facility, Phase1 development incorporates the use of more synthetic materials and modern technologies with as many eco-friendly and natural solutions as possible.
Phase2 will include the use of naturally available materials and proven techniques to construct buildings and create the community infrastructure above ground. Besides the storage and use of some basic supplies and materials, Phase2 development will incorporate solutions that are 100% natural and eco-friendly with little or no use of synthetic products or modern technologies.
Although Phase2 development operations are equally important to the long-term sustainability of the Project TriStar community, Phase2 will not be implemented immediately, but will be planned and documented for future application. The remainder of this document focuses on the more immediate Phase1 development operations and the proposed techniques, technologies, and construction methods.
This Phase1 infrastructure solution begins with extensive research into the possible and probable future events. From this research, Project TriStar concluded that events may occur that would be hazardous, and even deadly, to human life and there may be periods of time, up to and including several months to a year, where above ground living may be unsustainable. Project TriStar further concluded that any above ground structures built prior to such events may also be destroyed or damaged during these same events.
With a balanced perception on risks, needs, and desires, Project TriStar concluded that it is prudent and wise to take precautionary actions in order to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of the community and it's members. Project TriStar further concluded that prior to such events, the primary community facility design is a subterranean architecture with some surface structures, as needed, to support the construction, development, and agricultural activities. Once it has been determined that the period for the possible events has come and gone, Project TriStar will initiate construction of new facilities on the surface as part of the Phase2 development.
The primary objectives of the Phase1 subterranean design are to accommodate the following features for the entire community:
- Safe living environment from possible events.
- Production of all food and nutrition needs.
- House and maintain all community and operational services.
- Fully self-sustainable for long durations.
- Repair and maintain every system and/or subsystem.
- Manufacture or produce any essential products.
- Ease of access to operate above ground.

Project TriStar considered several infrastructure and architecture designs including the commonly publicized "bunker" designs made from reinforced concrete, the privatization and purchase of abandoned military bunkers, and even the use of pre-existing cave systems. Project TriStar determined that these designs are not practical due to a variety of issues such as location, capacity, self-sustainability, structural integrity, spacial layouts, and ultimately their long-term viability.
In order to achieve the community infrastructure objectives, lifestyle goals, economic feasibility, and time constraints, Project TriStar researched subterranean designs and ideas that are both practical and conventional. After much consideration and deliberation, Project TriStar settled on the concept of using a prefabricated modular design with inter-connectable modules to form larger structures.

Project TriStar found that throughout modern times, the use shipping containers in building construction has increased exponentially worldwide due to the practical, cost effective, and structural integrity for above ground applications. Shipping containers are currently being used in construction sites, schools, self-storage, community housing, mobile hospitals, site administration, Antarctic research labs, and are being retrofitted to just about every possible building application. However, what Project TriStar also concluded is that shipping container designs are neither practical nor structurally sound for use in large subterranean developments.
Some factors that must be considered when designing any underground structure include: structural integrity, longevity, emergency planning, and safety. To ensure these and all other concerns are met or exceeded, Project TriStar has enlisted companies that specialize in all forms of modular subterranean construction. These firms have years of experience is both above and below ground construction and all the resources and expertise needed to create a turnkey solution for the Project TriStar community.
Structural Integrity:

When considering subterranean architecture and structures, the primary concerns are those of structural integrity and sustainability. Due to the possible Earth events and the plan to be prepared for such events, structural integrity and practicality played an important role in Project TriStar's evaluation of viable development solutions.
Although steel reinforced concrete bunker designs and other industry standard earthquake proof designs may provide viable solutions for structural integrity, these methods are not generally modular as they are fabricated onsite, are also the most costly to build, and require the longest construction lead times. As an alternative, Project TriStar settled on a prefabricated modular design with a proven track record for structural integrity and application in subterranean developments.

As with any construction or development project, everything starts with the foundation, and therefore, the structural integrity of the Project TriStar modular community design also starts with a proper building foundation. The ground must be leveled, assured of the adequate compaction, and then footers, pads, and utilities must be installed prior to the installation and assembly of the modular architecture. This part of the infrastructure planning also includes the installation of mains and associated plumbing for water, sewage, and drainage.
For structural integrity, most building footers, pads, and foundations are constructed using steel reinforced concrete. This is not to be confused with the previously described underground bunker designs constructed entirely of steel reinforced concrete. As a surface application, the use of steel reinforced concrete meets with the Project TriStar budget and time constraints.
Modular Design:
The modular design solution for the Project TriStar Phase1 subterranean facility has decades of proven track record and success in a variety of underground applications. The variety of sizes for prefabricated modules and the diversity of interior design options allows for the greatest flexibility of any modular design solution available in the world today. The below image provides a brief representation of how this modular technology can be implemented.
The prefabricated modules are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate any development needs and can be mixed and matched for compartmentalizing various subterranean operations and storage. Each of these modules are manufactured in sections for ease in transport and assembly, and in the case of the rectangular modules, to accommodate variations in the module lengths. This further increases the flexibility for design and organization of different departments and operations of the subterranean facility. The manufacturing materials and arched design enable these modules to withstand the heavy loads that are required for subterranean developments.
With the versatility of these development modules, Project TriStar is creating a subterranean city that includes one, two, and three story environments to provide both open space and workspace for the community members. The layout and function of various modules creates an environment that compartmentalizes the various community operations such as food production, living quarters, storage, power generation, health, and leisure for practical convenience from all areas of the facility. Details on the interior design, exterior design, and module specifications are also available.

The use of electrical power is often an issue when considering an off-the-grid self-sustainable community. Some people may feel that it opposes the very concept of an off-the-grid lifestyle. Others may feel that man-made electricity is an antagonist to human beings and organic life in general. Still others may feel that nothing electrical will function either before, during, or after the possible Earth events.
Project TriStar understands that electricity is not a necessity for human life and that electrical power generation, storage, and transport may not always be available in the future. For these and many other reasons, Project TriStar will utilize electricity to compliment and enhance the community operations and will incorporate the generation and use of electrical power using the most alternative and renewable approaches possible. These needs include: lighting, water, air and sewage processing, and the numerous community services such as medical care, fabrication, and food production.

The community is designed to use alternative renewable power sources wherever possible and anywhere electricity is used, the ability to convert over from electricity to alternative power as needed or desired. In all respects, the key to a self-sustainable off-the-grid lifestyle is the ability to manufacture or produce everything that is needed for the community without the convenience of metropolitan access and/or supply stores. This means that whatever is used for subterranean power generation, storage, and use must be maintainable and repairable through the use of practical and available skills.
Some alternative power sources that may be applied in the Project TriStar community include: refracted and redirected sunlight, wind, water, solar and geothermal, human power, as well as gravity. Although some community systems are based on the use of electrical power, these same systems are designed with the ability that any electricity needs be manually generated by alternative means. The community is also designed using human powered mechanical solutions wherever possible and as the ultimate backup to all electrical systems. Some of these solutions include: foot powered sewing and laundry machines and hand or foot powered air and water pumps.

Besides the basic community needs of living quarters, food production, and community services, the Project TriStar infrastructure plan also includes essential utility services such as water and air filtration, waste water recycling, and sewage processing. It's also an essential part of the Project TriStar community plan that backup power options exist for all community operations.
The Project TriStar subterranean infrastructure and architecture implementation is unique in its exterior design, as well as its interior design. This community design is being meticulously planned and constructed from an understanding of community logistics, atmosphere, and lifestyle. This plan incorporates an understanding of the essence of community and the community lifestyle goals coupled with the necessities of life and a desire to be prepared for the potential and possible events surrounding these times.

One of the basic concepts in the Project TriStar community design is achieving a balance between what events are potential, and preparing for as many events as possible in a timely, cost effective, constructive, and non-fear-based manner. First and foremost in this preparation is the choice of community location. Project TriStar is well aware that the choice of location can literally eliminate 50% or more of the risks related to possible Earth events. With this in mind, Project TriStar has chosen a location that minimizes the risks and maximizes the resources for the community development.
Although one Project TriStar community location has been determined, this sustainability model can be applied to any location. Visit "Where Will It Be Safe?" for more information on choosing a community location or Possible Earth Events and Social Economic Impacts for more information on the coming potentials that may impact your choice.
The Project TriStar community is set up as a corporate entity with all land ownership and management responsibilities handled by the corporation. Although land and other forms of property ownership are not considered important to most community members, they are still generally required to develop such a community project at this moment in history.
Project TriStar has been approached to help facilitate affiliate communities in other geographic locations, however, no arrangements have been made to move forward with those community developments at this time. If any of these other community locations become available for membership, Project TriStar will post information on how and where to apply.
The primary community facility is constructed below ground level (subterranean) as a practical precaution for the possible and probable cosmic, geophysical, and global events. Several passages within the facility provide easy access for outside activities as environmental conditions permit. Some above ground structures are built and used for various functions as needed.
Project TriStar understands that mankind is intended to live above ground. Materials and preparations have been acquired to facilitate the construction of above ground structures once it has been determined that outside environmental conditions are stable and safe after the period of possible events.
Community planning is underway and expected to continue in a balanced and assertive manner. Construction of the community is being managed by the modular component manufacturer and involves timing and coordination of site preparation, modular prefabrication, delivery, and assembly. The completion of the community development is not being predicted at the moment and will only be known based on the development progress. In order to ensure the community development moves smoothly and is completed in a timely manner, the Project TriStar Management Committee will work closely with the development contractor and monitor their activities and progress.
Click here for more information and a detailed explanation on the community Development Timeline.