The Project TriStar community is seeking those people who are in line with the core spiritual beliefs of the community that include: a life based on experiential learning, mutual respect for all other members and for nature, and the ability to take personal responsibility for all thoughts, words, and actions. All community decisions are prioritized by their impact on nature, natural resources, and universal laws. Every member of the community agrees to live from their heart, in harmony with these principles and each other, and with a spirit of service to others.
Besides seeking members that are aligned with these spiritual principles, Project TriStar is seeking people with skill sets that will enhance the overall development of the community, as well as the type of personal initiative that can be even more important than skill sets. Each member agrees to contribute to the community development in any variety of forms including: financial, professional expertise, labor, and support services.
This community is free of drugs and stimulants. There is no alcohol, tobacco, drugs, caffeine, or meat consumed in the community. Due to a variety of considerations, no “personal” pets are allowed in the community. Those who have a clear understanding of the sustainable community living arrangements and the Project TriStar architectural design may appreciate this delicate decision.
Membership in the Project TriStar community will remain open until otherwise posted through this website. The modular community design provides flexibility with membership limits and the capability of expansion to support more members. Maximum community expansion is based on a combination of variables including: funds availability, resource assessment, environmental impact, and membership projections. Any future membership limit will be based on a detailed occupancy assessment in conjunction with the community planning and development operations.
The Project TriStar community has no member age limits and does not discrimination based on race, creed, color, age, religion, or sex, etc. Project TriStar believes this unique lifestyle opportunity is best served with diversity in membership. Applicants are not accepted or discriminated based on their financial means or financial contribution. Those who have access to funds participate voluntarily. In either case, everyone participates in the physical needs of the community operations and functions.
The Member Application, personal interviews and background checks are used to gain an understanding of the life experiences and circumstances for each community applicant. The membership committee then takes into consideration whether debt is circumstantial or deliberate in order to determine how an applicant lives by the laws of manifestation.
For those members who are able to participate financially in the community, Project TriStar accepts all forms of monetary denomination. Funds are converted into the currency of choice by the Financial Committee as necessary. All community members agree to voluntarily participation in the community operations through manual labor and through skill sets that support the project development.